DLW Marmorette AcousticPlus
- High Traffic Resistant
- 19 dB Impact Sound Insulation
- Marbled Designs
Product description
The high performance flooring solution based on 98% natural ingredients and 19dB sound insulation!
Acoustic linoleum floor covering - 19dB
Made of 98% organic and 80% renewable materials
Up to 40% recycled content
1.5mm PUR foam underlayer
Product certified by many eco-labels, including the Blue Angel
Marbled Designs

- Finition Neocare
- Linoleum calandré
- Toile de jute
- Sous-couche Mousse
Recycling rate
- 100%
Recycled content
- 40%
TVOC after 28 days
- <10 µg/m3
Interior Designer
Technical and environmental specifications
Value Surface treatment NEOCARE Overall thickness 4.00 mm Thickness of the wearlayer 2.50 mm Installation system covering Glue down Format details 2m roll Width of sheet 2 m Length of sheet 31.0 m -
Value European classification domestic 23 European classification commercial 33 European classification light industrial 41 -
Value Recycled content 100% Recycling content 40% TVOC after 28 days with unit <10 µg/m3 Product certificates A+, Cradle to cradle Bronze, Floorscore®, ISO 14001, ISO 50001, ISO 9001, RTS Emission class M1
Commercial documents
Installation & maintenance
Technical and environmental documents